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What Are the Professional Ramifications of Getting a Misdemeanor?

When people face criminal charges, their primary concern is often how they'll defend themselves in court. After, however, many people look to how a conviction for a charge resulting in a misdemeanor could impact their career. Knowing what to expect if you're convicted could help you take the necessary steps to protect your livelihood.

To schedule a consultation with one of our criminal defense attorneys, contact us online or via phone at (845) 203-0997.

How Will a Misdemeanor Impact My Life?

Many people, unfortunately, underestimate the impact of receiving a misdemeanor conviction. Because there's a perception that misdemeanors only apply to the "least serious" types of criminal charges, people often assume that having a misdemeanor on their record won't hurt them. Unfortunately, that's often not the case.

For immigrants, a misdemeanor could be used as evidence to support deportation, or significantly set back an individual's attempt to get naturalized. It depends on the severity of the charge, but many immigrants who are convicted of misdemeanors find that their paths toward achieving goals such as citizenship are suddenly considerably harder.

Additionally, misdemeanors are public information. That means anyone can look up your name and potentially see you have a criminal charge on your record. This often impacts three groups of people somewhat severely:

  • Prospective college attendants. Schools will often run background checks on applicants. Having a misdemeanor on your record could negatively impact your ability to receive higher education.
  • Prospective job seekers. Companies will generally run a background check, and many will, unfortunately, write off applications from individuals with any sort of criminal history, regardless of the severity.
  • Prospective renters. Like employers, landlords or land-owning organizations often run background checks, and will refuse to lease or rent units or houses to individuals with criminal backgrounds.

Of course, it's worth noting that refusing to hire someone or allow them a place to live because of a misdemeanor conviction is typically illegal, qualifying as a violation of a United States citizen's civil rights. Unfortunately, because practices for procedures such as hiring, renting living spaces, or college applications are usually protected from the applicant and public, proving discrimination can be quite difficult.

At Letterio & Haug, LLP, our attorneys will represent you in your criminal defense case, advocating for your rights. To schedule a consultation with our team for your case, contact us online or via phone at (845) 203-0997.